Do YOU want to finally feel free to play and express your creativity however your heart desires?

Creative Sovereignty is available to you with the help of my visual journaling course!  It's my unique methodology to help you feel excited, alive, and free using a visual journal!

Creative Sovereignty Visual Journaling

This course is a visual jounaling course using mixed media art supplies, and your authentic heart and soul.

Ready to Start?

Click the button below to join Creative Sovereignty Visual Journaling course and begin your exciting journey into creative play so that you're living more vibrantly alive than ever before!

You’ll FULLY own your creativity and allow yourself to create freely, in whatever way you want! Sounds good right?!


Would you like to feel lighter and more alive with your creativity so that you feel free to create and play with art materials whenever and however you want?

So that you can finally let go of self-judgment and feel free to fully express yourself - yes, even if it's messy AF?

Maybe you feel the way I used to feel? Stuck somehow and not knowing the way out.

I can remember when I felt all locked up inside, kinda like I was in a jail cell. I didn't know that the door to my self imposed cell was already OPEN, that all I had to do was walk through it.

Can you relate?

Do you wonder if you have more to express? Do you have a FEELING and a CURIOSITY that isn't being fulfilled?


Maybe you believe you've got nothing to say or nothing to express in the visual way? That expressing in this way is NOT FOR YOU.

Here's a not so secret secret!

If YOU are alive

YOU are creative

100% TRUTH

Do you want to be guided on a journey into your own sacred and personal creativity so that you can spark up your own creative fire and have some fun while you're at it?


What is Creative Sovereignty?


I BELIEVE we are all born with inherent creativity as our birthright, however I didn't always think that. I falsely believed that only special people are creative, artistic or talented. 

NOW I know we are all creative beings, filled to the brim with expressive impulses. These pure impulses are often buried under layers of busyness, resistance, false beliefs and conditioning.

We can be dulled down by fear, anxiety and self defeating inner critics. 

I can very clearly remember the pain of not feeling creative, the pain of believing creativity was only for special people.

Even after having a career in art I still had the fear of trying new things, or of being exposed as a fraud whenever I tried something new and didn't achieve the results I wanted.

I now know "failing" is part of the creative process.

I felt as though I would never really "arrive", never feel like I "belonged" with the act of creativity and creative people.

It was a painful place to be.

I know it doesn't have to be this way.

We can all be creative sovereigns.

Are you ready to strengthen and stretch your creative muscles?

Working and playing through 4 modules of content, and a bonus private (optional) Facebook group I'll show you how to work with a visual journal, how to tame and befriend the inner critics and nasty voices that can hinder our abundant and inherent creative impulse. You'll feel excited and alive, and you'll be empowered to create every day in a way that feels good to you!

Here's what we'll do:

We will use a basic blank journal and easily accessible art and craft supplies so that you don’t have to worry about complicated art techniques or expensive materials.

There will be several short videos in each module demonstrating simple and effective visual journaling and art techniques so that you can experiment and create freely with no pressure.

Ahhhhh....sweet relief right?

Equally as important, each module will contain 1 energy clearing practice that I use regularly to assist my students in "letting go" and "loosening up".

Did you know that you can learn processes and rituals that can assist you in releasing your fears and negative self talk?

Over many years and much experimenting and experiencing I have discovered and been exposed to powerful tools to help myself.
I'll share specific and potent energy practices to clear the negative mind patterns, and simple art processes that allow you to embrace your materials with less fear and more experimenting so that you activate your inner child, that quiet part of you that wants to have fun with art and self expression!

"I took part in the maiden voyage of Creative Sovereignty Visual Journaling Course."

What a voyage it was! It was like Noah’s Ark.. a journey filled with animals and colour and adventure into the unknown! We left behind the old world of creating with the mind’s critique of what was acceptable ...and ventured into a place where it was okay to do whatever our spirit wanted! Many of us hadn’t been to that magical place since we were children.

"This course was a gift to that inner child in us that wants permission to play, and Tammy was the perfect companion."

Can you come out and play? Yes please! Each video was an experience that seemed to speak to the “innocent artist” in all of us. But what it also did was give my "mature artist" a chance to breathe in new life. I am very happy I did this course"

Tyrrell Clark BFA

Creative Sovereignty Visual Journaling Course IS for YOU if:

  • You want to feel lighter and have more fun in your day to day living! 
  • You feel a bit bored, uninspired or restricted with your creativity or lack of it.
  • You are a beginner with art, art materials and visual journals and you feel curious and kinda scared to try it on your own (I know I was fearful.)
  • You are an accomplished artist who wants a creative outlet with no pressure of "results".
  • You are craving something new that lights you up!
  • You want to free up new avenues of creative flow and energy in yourself and in the whole of your life.
  • You are interested in exploring yourself and your inner gifts and obstacles more deeply.
  • You already write in a journal and want to add some visuals.
  • You've never before kept a journal, visual or otherwise.
  • You sense that there's more freedom and creativity available to you and you're not quite finding it on your own.
  • You have a longing for a deep dive into yourself and your own story.

What You'll Receive!

What people are saying.....

"It's more than art."

It is more than words on a journal page. It is a journey of self discovery unlike anything I’ve ever experienced and there is SO much creativity within us just waiting to come out. This course unleashed that creativity for me.

Marymartha Motley, Texas. 

"I couldn't have enjoyed it more!"

 I feel I have benefited a great deal with my artistic endeavours by participating in it. Tammy is filled with enthusiasm and encouragement and gifts to her students many avenues to bring out their talents with her abundance of examples, demos, and video instruction and play! This course is extremely well organized. Tammy is very approachable. I would highly recommend any and all to take this course.

Linda Kallos, Maple Bay B.C.

"Wow, great course!"

I really waffled back and forth about signing up. Did I have enough time to do it? Would I have to be "good" at art to feel good about this course? Should I be doing other more "important" things instead? All questions and thoughts I wrestled with. Then, I watched Tammy;s pre-course videos and decided to take the leap. I'm so glad that I did! Tammy's teaching style was a great balance of structure and flexibility. She reallt supports and empowers students to jump in, experiment, have fun and believe in their own creativity. I loved the module videos! This course is so accessible!
The experience made me think a lot about one of my favourite authors Brene Brown ~ "There is nothing more vulnerable than's not about winning, it's not about losing, it's about showing up and being seen.

Erin Grier, Calgary AB.

This self study, self paced course will give you the tools, practices and rituals you'll need to continue to PLAY far beyond the last module so that you'll feel fully empowered and fired up to keep going! 

Your journal will become a place for you to rest, a place for you to land, a place for you to play.

  • Your journal will be NOURISHING to your spirit, with experiences for you to explore with less fear, less seriousness, and with much more playfulness and experimentation. 
  • Just IMAGINE, you'll have the embodied experience of playing and new found access to a way of expressing yourself with  an invigorated form of creative EXPRESSION that you feel passionate about so that you enJOY your life even more!
  • A creative release, a SOUL connection that can be done pretty much anywhere, anytime.
  • A place just for YOU, no matter what's going on around you.
  • You'll have the knowledge and instruction to express yourself visually in a journal on your own time, in your own way.  You'll have access to practices that are yours forever once you learn them.

Being "blocked",  unexpressed or uninspired is one option.

Creative Sovereignty is another.

Join me now for a journey of creative play so that you can easily get started with hands-on practices in a journal rather than simply dreaming about it.

You’ll feel FREE and alive, excited to get to your journal to PLAY!

It's YOUR time NOW! 

Save $50 with code PAINTANDPLAY until May 5 only!


A fabulous price for an amazing experience!

$ 197.00 CAD

1 Payment

  • Bonus: Facebook group to share your discoveries! (optional)

Are YOU Ready?

To feel a fresh playfulness, curiosity and eagerness about you, your own creative fire and your visual journal?

Are you ready to relax your grip and release your fears!

(or even better, BEFRIEND your fears) ?


"My life has changed! My commitment to my creative path has just become sweeter!"

I can now give myself permission to PLAY more deeply and have FUN!
I feel more connected with the Sovereign part of myself in that I know I don’t need to look outside myself for answers. What is on the outside is an opportunity for inspiration! The world is a mirror for me to reflect what is already inside.
“Creative Sovereignty” taught me to loosen up, have fun, play, and see the world through wondering eyes. It is my Soul food. To be crEATive! I am grateful to have Tammy in my life. She is a GREAT reflection for me to be in Wonderment! I wonder what will create itself next!!

SharmaRay Goldman

We learn THE MOST through creative PLAY! and it's FUN!


More Testimonials....

"Tammy's course is a great way to crack open your creativity and really let it fly!"

Tammy has such a sweet spiritual nature about her I felt connected right off the bat. Her exercises, demos and prompts really allowed me to think about myself and my art in a new way. I have been painting for 20 years and I really got a lot out of this course. This course has changed the way I practice art. I am now incorporating art journaling into my practice. I can only imagine how great it would be for a beginner artist. Brand new at art or experienced artists, I highly recommend this course.

Wren Walraven, New Mexico.

"Tammy's course freed my inner artist!"

What I loved most about Tammy's course was how she gives you the tools to release the creative artist buried inside. She reminds us that we ALL have an artist within! She gives permission to let your inner child play, create and express! Getting to see Tammy paint was absolutely mesmerizing! Watching her start with a blank page and end up with a colourful, free, living piece of art was nothing short of amazing! It was like watching a master magician cast a beautiful spell.

Before I took this course I seldom allowed myself time to create art. When I did I was very self conscious and self critical. By the end of this course, I have a bulging art journal filled with colorful expressions of my heart and soul. It is one of my greatest treasures! Thank you so much Tammy, for sharing your talent, your techniques, and your spirit with all of us!

Tess Riley, Colorado

"Your positive energy and creativity is catching and inspiring!"

I dusted off my old paint brushes and paints and set up a space for me to create, in our house. Taking your art journaling workshop has awakened the creative part of myself that has been napping for 20 years! I look forward to your next workshop!

Shirley Townley Smith, Vancouver, B.C.

"If you have ever wondered if you were good enough, creative enough or brave enough to express yourself with paint, paper and other enticing mediums, wonder no more!"

Tammy’s course, Creative Sovereignty, will help you discover your own authentic voice. She will inspire and guide you as you learn to let go of the inner critic and embrace the freedom to just begin. Tammy teaches by demonstrating her own working style and encourages her students to use various techniques to better build their skills of visual expression.
Tammy’s teaching style is engaging, varied and colourful, like her studio and personality. Tammy is also a gentle guide (I adore her soothing voice) and artfully manages to coax her students into following along and finding joy in discovering their own unique journey towards attaining creative sovereignty.
I am looking forward to developing a continued practice of explorations inspired by the tools and advice Tammy shared in this course.

Annie Froese

"Taking Tammy Hudgeon’s wonderful online course, Creative Sovereignty ~Visual Journaling, might just be one of the best gifts I’ve ever given to myself."

I wasn’t sure how I would enjoy doing something online, but it turns out that the format really works for me. Imagine having a wonderful, kind, inspiring teacher right there with you in your own space. That’s what it felt like. Tammy coming right into my studio and speaking right to me, and showing me her beautiful studio space. It was as though we were visiting together.

I learned so much about how to let go of things that were holding me back, and I began to just play and experiment with all kinds of art materials. It was like being a child again, totally free to just go for it and leave all those silly judgments behind. I’ve struggled with being creatively blocked for so long, it seems like a miracle or a magic trick that somehow in this course I was able to become free. Tammy’s world does feel delightfully magical, but I found that her gentle way of guiding me forward was very practical, easy to follow, and down-to-earth. I found myself drawn to my art materials with curiosity and a sense of adventure and possibility.
 It felt as though everyone was valued, supported and encouraged. I would definitely recommend this course to others, and I can’t wait to see what Tammy will be offering me in the future. Sign me up!

Rhiannon Galanta

"Your enthusiasm is so contagious,"

and you created such a non-judgemental environment that I felt very comfortable. The realization that making a mark was a starting point for a whole flow of ideas, and there didn't have to be any preconceived concept of how the pages would turn out or what they would say gave me so much freedom.. And that trying to create perfection was a hindrance,. not a help!

Marni Laird


I’m a successful self taught artist with over 20 years of experience creating and selling art. I know this stuff because I live this stuff - aka, the highs and the lows, the joy and the pain of art making!

I’m wildly creative and I believe creative blocks are a myth we can leave behind so that we can feel free to make whatever we want. 

I know the exuberant joy of painting, mark making and playing with a free and wild abandon and my #1 goal is to encourage others to give themselves permission to create and feel this too!

I  have a compassionate approach to the tender vulnerable parts of ourselves that can be revealed when we paint, make art and express ourselves.

I know first hand the pain of feeling stuck and frustrated with my journaling practice, and I’ve created my own uber- effective method for finding my  way through so that I can really love all the pieces of my art and journaling experience.

I know how to transform the negative energy of the inner critic voices so that I feel free to create whatever the f^&* I want.

I LOVE creating, and I love to inspire people to make creativity a BIG part of their lives without feeling held back by self-doubt.

More and more I truly live my life as art.

And so can YOU.

"Creative Sovereignty~Visual Journaling has given me the permission to really be an artist that I didn’t feel I had before."

To take creative play seriously. To experiment with confidence. To be a mad scientist with colour and texture and glue and image and meaning-making and actually anything and everything.
I feel more free, alive and playful after working with these practices for a month, and I’m also seeing amazing results from my play. My ideas are coming to life in new ways, and I have new visions for putting long-time ideas into practice by using some of the simple tools I’ve gained in this course. (And, actually I’m only half-way through the lessons, going at my own pace).
Tammy is a warm, wise, fun and empowering guide. Her art, her lessons, and her presence are inspiring.
The content is applicable if you have an established art practice or if you’ve never picked up a paintbrush. I think everyone deserves the experience of Creative Sovereignty!

Erin Moonsister O’Brien


Join NOW and you'll have access to all that you need to feel free and alive with your authentic creativity!

This is a super sweet price for a rich, transformative experience!

$197.00 CAD

1 Payment

  • Bonus: Facebook group to share your discoveries! (optional)

"Creative Sovereignty came at a time when I needed it most."

 The online workshops were a wonderful way to get me to watch all the videos and online extras - and of course, having a community of practice to explore with online was wonderful. I'd absolutely recommend this course to anyone - professional artist or complete newby...  this course is not just about experimenting with art - it really is an opportunity to journal your experiences and feelings in a powerful way. The thoughtful questions you posed each session lead to a real re-awaken of my creativity and more importantly has given me hope in these troubling times.

As a Mohawk / Lenape woman, I felt that you created a safe and respectful space for me to explore some of the current issues facing our world from racism to the American election from my unique perspective.  Your course has been a springboard for me to explore deeper into my own cultural art traditions and begin to incorporate those into my own practices.

Many thanks - Nia:wen
Lisa Webster

Tammy Hudgeon

is a thriving self taught artist, author, teacher and wild spirit.

She's been creating and selling her art nationally and internationally for over 20 years.

  • Tammy exhibits her art in galleries across Canada and U.S.A. She's had many notable solo and group exhibitions.
  • Tammy is a published author with her book "Tender Brave Spirit " where she openly shares her own creative journey.
  • Tammy has won a multitude of art awards, including 2 x B.C. Glass Art Association BEST IN SHOW.
  • Her story and her art have been featured in regional and national magazines and newspapers, and she's been a guest on the national radio show CBC's North x Northwest 2 times.
  • She's been a featured guest on various podcasts including the cult classics "Room in the Trees", "Staight Outta Gabriola" and "Imperfectionist's Monthly"
  • She's been cited by her local (and highly artistic) community for her outstanding contributions to the art scene.
  • She's actively engaged in her own dynamic and thriving creative practice on a daily basis.
  • She lives and creates on a magical forested island where she loves to drink tea all day and is always found creating something colourful!
  • She LOVES to inspire people to make creativity a BIG part of their lives too.