$335.00 CAD

3 monthly payments

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"Paint Your Wild Spirit"

You’ll find your authentic voice in painting and feel free to paint what sets your soul on fire without worrying one bit about what other people think!

What you'll receive:

  • Massive hands on painting experiences and fun techniques and tools.
  • Exclusive behind the scenes in my studio as we  paint together. (virtually)
  • Weekly Live demo calls!
  • Cheerleading from a compassionate, inspiring creative guide!

What People Are Saying:

Tammy is filled with enthusiasm and encouragement and she gifts to her students many avenues to bring out their talents with her abundance of examples. demos, videos and Zoom calls and encouragement!

Linda Kallos

Before I worked with Tammy I seldom allowed myself time to create art. When I did, I was very self-conscious and self-critical. But at the end of this course, I have a bulging art journal filled with colorful expressions of my heart and soul! It is one of my greatest treasures! Thank you so much, Tammy, for sharing your talent, your techniques, and your spirit with all of us!

Tess Riley