$797.00 CAD

"Paint Your Wild Spirit"

You’ll find your authentic voice in painting and feel free to paint what sets your soul on fire without worrying one bit about what other people think!

What you'll receive:

  • Massive hands on painting experiences and fun techniques and tools.
  • Exclusive behind the scenes in my studio as we  paint together. (virtually)
  • Weekly Live demo calls!
  • Cheerleading from a compassionate, inspiring creative guide!
  • You'll feel more free and alive in your whole life so that you're ready to take action with your paints, guided by your authentic heart and soul! WOOHOO!

What People Are Saying:

Paint Your Wild Spirit course really freed me up to be more playful in my art making. Tammy taught me how to tap into my own creativity by experimenting and playing in my art with childlike abandon. I now begin all of my paintings in a bold and fun way and creating is that much more enjoyable to me. Taking more risks and trying new things is easier for me because it's all about doing what I love. My artwork is becoming something I love making as well as loving the end result. I highly recommend Tammy’s courses!

L.Wren Walraven

Tammy’s infectious spirit in guiding us to follow the voice of our inner child and let go of our inner critic allowed me to explore and express myself without judgement!

Allana Thorne

It’s like taking a dive into a deep pool of creativity and discovering that we can swim without fear of sinking. It’s a playground where we can be who we want to be and it’s always ok. It has given me a new approach to self expression and I am refreshed and renewed as a result.

Marymartha Motley